Child & Elder Abuse

Child & Elder Abuse

Victims of abuse are left with emotional scars that haunt them the rest of their lives. We give a voice to those who are vulnerable and often cannot, or will not, speak up for themselves.

Abuse can happen in a victim’s own home, a nursing home, foster home, community care foster home, adult residential care home, or other care facility, or while a victim is visiting in the abuser’s home. Those most often subjected to abuse are:

  • Elderly – In many cases, those who are abusing the elderly are relatives or caretakers. The abuse can be emotional or physical and includes financial exploitation, emotional, and physical abuse.
  • Dependent adults – Dependent adults are vulnerable and an easy mark for emotional or physical abuse. It may be difficult for them to express what is happening to them, or to even realize the abuse they are experiencing is not normal.
  • Children – Children are vulnerable and often very trusting. Abuse is often committed by those you trust the most, at the places you thought your children were safe, such as school, daycare, and church.

If you suspect abuse, do not doubt yourself. Err on the side of caution and report the abuse. We are always willing to help guide you to the correct agency. If, after reporting the abuse, you wish to retain an attorney to pursue compensation for the victim of abuse, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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